
  • Enabling the iOS Clear Button in NativeScript

    If you’d like to use the iOS clear button on a NativeScript text field, it’s actually quite easy. All you have to do is enable it on the native iOS UITextField:

  • Debugging Cake Build Scripts

    This is going to be a quick post. I recently had some issues with a build.cake script and wanted to write a quick guide on how to debug them.

  • AWS AppSync Authorization with a Second DynamoDB Table

    AWS AppSync is a powerful platform for making an offline-enabled backend for your app or website. However, for certain scenarios, I’ve had to change my thinking a bit.

  • Creating Stubs for Ngx Translate

    I had an issue the other day with ngx translate in my tests. I feel like there isn’t a ton of documentation or examples out there so I figured I’d do a quick post explaining the issue and solution.

  • Accessing the Android Activity in NativeScript

    Recently, I had an issue where I needed to access the Android activity/window for a NativeScript app. I needed to temporarily change the soft input mode so that the keyboard would display properly while a WebView was visible. It ended up being pretty simple, but figuring out all the pieces was a little tricky:

  • Angular Compiler Arrow Function Bug

    I came across an odd bug with the Angular Compiler recently. It occurs when it’s targeting es5 and encounters a single statement arrow function with a comment on a line between the => and the statement. This has been tested with both Angular 5 and Angular 6. To clarify, you will only get this bug when using the Angular Compiler, which typically means when compiling an Angular package library (such as with the new ng g library command). Consider the following block of code:

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