If you’d like to use the iOS clear button on a NativeScript text field, it’s actually quite easy. All you have to do is enable it on the native iOS UITextField:


Values for this property come from UITextField.ViewMode. However, there area couple caveats:

  1. Just enabling the clear button will cause your input text to go under the clear button.
  2. ngModel will make the clear button disappear.

To fix these, you must adjust the right padding when the field is focused, and avoid ngModel. Here’s a simple way to do it in NativeScript + Angular:

  (textChange)="myTextVariable = $event.value"
  (focus)="$event.object.paddingRight = isIOS ? 30 : 10"
  (blur)="$event.object.paddingRight = 10"
import { isIOS } from "tns-core-modules/platform"
export class MyComponent {
  public isIOS = isIOS

Hopefully those of you using NativeScript Core or Vue find that easy to translate!