This is going to be a quick post. I recently had some issues with a build.cake script and wanted to write a quick guide on how to debug them.

  1. Open a powershell window and navigate to the build.cake script.
  2. From there, run the cake executable relative to where the build script is, for example:
 .\tools\Cake\Cake.exe --debug
  1. The process id will be printed in the terminal for convenience.
  2. As far as I know it is not possible to set the target in debug mode. So before we go any further we need to make sure the default target is configured correctly.

  1. Now open your debugger of choice, in this example I will be using Visual Studio 2017.
  2. In Visual Studio open your build.cake file.
  3. Click “Attach…”.
  4. Select the “Cake.exe” process, reference the process id from step 3 if you can’t find the process.
  5. Once the debugger is attached you can add breakpoints and step through the script.

** Just a note that intellisense won’t work so you will have to use the immediate and local window to inspect variables.

I hope this quick tutorial was useful. Good luck and happy coding!